I'm in ur b00k, stealing ur w0rdz
As more and more books are transferred to electronic media and sucked up by the gigantic information vortex that is Google, it's going to become mighty easy to find plagiarism. I have a feeling we'll see a lot of this popping up in coming years, with many long-dead and long-revered authors being revealed as cheaters. (Via Slog).
Excerpt from Atonement, by Ian McEwan...
"In the way of medical treatments, she had already dabbed gentian violet on ringworm, aquaflavine emulsion on a cut, and painted lead lotion on a bruise. But mostly she was a maid."
Excerpt from No Time For Romance by Lucilla Andrews...
"Our 'nursing' seldom involved more than dabbing gentian violet on ringworm, aquaflavine emulsion on cuts and scratches, lead lotion on bruises and sprains."
As more and more books are transferred to electronic media and sucked up by the gigantic information vortex that is Google, it's going to become mighty easy to find plagiarism. I have a feeling we'll see a lot of this popping up in coming years, with many long-dead and long-revered authors being revealed as cheaters. (Via Slog).